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Cornerstone Classical Christian School uses the classical method rooted in the Christian worldview, as Jesus is our Cornerstone. Our mission is to guide students to a purposeful life of service as they strive for excellence in learning what is true, good, and beautiful. 


Cornerstone—Historically, the cornerstone was the most important part of the building. Jesus, being “the chief Cornerstone,” is the most important part of all we do (Eph. 2:20).

Classical—We design our teaching after the classical model, using classical literature, original documents, and classical methods. We approach teaching in a way that corresponds to the child’s cognitive development and cultivates a life-long love of learning.

Christian—Christ is central to all we do. We commit to training children with tender hearts, sharp minds, and biblical discernment. Thus, we have high but grace-filled behavioral standards in a close-knit community.

School—We affirm that parents are the primary educators of their children and we exist to assist them in educating and training their children. Students study under skilled and godly teachers to gain knowledge, understanding, and eventually, wisdom.


Dr. Kobes is a phenomenal leader who daily illustrates what a servant leadership looks like and creates a culture where children strive to become more like Jesus.  I could not give a higher recommendation for Dr. Kobes and her school.  Proverbs 3:5-6!

Heidi S


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Teacher to Student ratio


CCCS has a low teacher-to-student ratio. It is important to us that this always be the case, even as we grow.


Low Tuition


CCCS has low tuition. We are committed to helping all families find a way to classical and Christian education, regardless of their level of wealth. Talk to us before you say, “We can’t afford it."

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